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This summer, our incredible local partners, For You Haiti, gave this young lad a brand new wheelchair from our HHA Walkabout Wheelchair Distribution Centre that we built together with Walkabout Foundation.

At a young age, he was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy and AIDS (both of which are progressive). About 5 years ago he lost the ability to walk and has been dependent on a wheelchair ever since. Then in 2020, the footrests and breaks on his wheelchair broke which led to his feet getting Plantar Flexion (a movement in which the top of your foot points away from your leg). He was beyond excited when our partners showed up with a new chair which he has been praying for for months. He says his new chair is way more comfortable and also supports his legs and feet well. 

Just look how happy he is! We look forward to continuing our partnership with For You Haiti and Walkabout Foundation and changing many more lives throughout 2022.